Online Workshops
Virtual workshops are Covid-19 friendly and support the career design process through a combination of hands-on assessments & activities with a community of coaches and peers.
My Career Design Studio™ Virtual Workshop
Designing your career is different than looking for a job. It is a creative, proactive approach that is built on your goals, lifestyle, values, personality, and preferences. When you design your career, you create a path to your perfect-fit job, which is also a path towards a balanced, healthy, and meaningful life. Designing your career can help you avoid burn-out, stress-related illnesses, and all the frustrations related to an ill-fitting job.
Although the rewards of career design are tremendous, so many people settle for a job they can get rather than persistently working towards the one they really want. Why is this? One reason is that they lack a clear process that can help them discover what they really want. Without a clear process, it’s difficult to carve out the time and energy to do the challenging (but rewarding!) work of career design. Just like an artist needs a studio to create great works, you need the time, space, and resources to create a great life. That’s where the My Career Design Studio™ Virtual Workshop comes in.
Create your fulfilling, rewarding career
My Career Design Studio™ is designed to create a structured approach to the career design process, but to also fit into a busy and ever-changing schedule. It a self-paced workshop that takes place primarily over approximately 15 emails but also includes video tutorials, lifetime access to the My Career Design Studio™ app (regularly $399.95), and individual laser coaching with Dr. Ronda Ansted (worth $180). By signing up for the My Career Design Studio™ Virtual Workshop, you’ll receive all of the following:
- Access to career assessments and activities that reveal your strengths, goals, and preferences in My Career Design Studio™.
- Over 30 activities to help you gain clarity about your career goals, research different options, and create a job search strategy.
- An invitation to a private Facebook group to connect you with your fellow career designers.
- Tools to write an outstanding and effective resume and LinkedIn profile (and cover letters too!).
- Little known secrets to use LinkedIn for career design.
- Networking approaches and opportunities.
- Strategies for dealing with your doubts and fears when you get stuck.
- By the end of the workshop, you’ll have insight into your goals as well as your obstacles, clarity about effective next steps you can take, and a community that you can continue to rely on as you design your career.
Schedule a consultation to see if this workshop will propel you towards your goals. Or sign up today!
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“I have been aware of the need to include accomplishments in one’s resume, but have had difficulty doing that. This workshop showed me how. Thank you!”